About Dreamcatcher.
I'm Donny. I mix and master music. My goal is to bridge the gap between creativity and spirituality by highlighting vibe/feeling/emotion in the audio in efforts to resonate deeper with the listener... whoever that may be.
My Story
I started my audio journey on a Tascam Midistudio 688. This console sat on an ice hockey table in my bedroom. I listened through headphones or through a Fender Twin Reverb (yes, monitored through a guitar amp). I was 11 years old at the time. If I were to give that studio a name, it would be "Stuff Dad Isn't Using".
A video of me from 2003.
It’s okay because when "Big Don" finished work for the day, I would work out of his office, which included some sweet, sweet ADATs. When the guitar was no longer larger than I was, I began performing in bands. After a decade of gigging, there came a time when, according to the old man, it was time to invest time and energy into something where our skills and labor could leave a lasting impact.

A photo of me working with those sweet, sweet ADATs.
After considerable research, we began upgrading bits and pieces that would be the foundation of a new home studio. We called this the "dream" purchase—it still feels like one.
As per our agreement, I paid him back using money I had earned by providing music production services to friends and friends of friends.
After earning enough to relieve my debts, I approached my father and told him that I thought we should give the new studio a new name. He mentioned that he would like to incorporate the idea of the "dream".
My father passed away on December 29th, 2012. The goal remains the same: to be a guide for bands and artists, to introduce their sonic concept into the world, to take an artist’s dream, and to help make it real.